Tutorial Videos
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Ingenpool-Pro Intro (0:30)
Ingenpool-Pro Intro (0:30)
INGENPOOL, The ultimate tournament bracket software dedicated to the challenging and fascinating game of Pool & Billiard.
Dealing with Team Records (2:38)
A quick tutorial on how to create team records and insert/delete members.
Table management (3:15)
An overview of all the great features and shortcut to efficiently manage your table assignment during tournament.
Sharing the same set of data (3:31)
This video demonstrate how many instances of Ingenpool, running on separate PC, can all access and share the same set of data.
Printing Scorecards (3:29)
Demonstrates Ingenpool's ability to prepare detailed scorecards, containing all required information.
Tournament Scheduler (4:20)
The unique built-in scheduling manager dynamically re-adjust the schedule after every move.
Publishing to the WEB (1:31)
Publish your tourney online at Budtour.com with 1 click.
Player's pic in Bracket (2:37)
A quick overview of the picture features. This is one of the most popular feature available through the annual membership. Check it out!
Player Database (04:40)
Discover the comprehensive player database at your disposition to keep all your player records.
Race & Handicap Systems (5:56)
Adjusting the Races and selecting an Handicap.
Last minute bracket adjustments (2:19)
How to adjust the bracket after the draw took place; Late entry, no show, switch position, forfeit.
The Buy-Back Option (3:24)
Boost tournament income. Players have to buy their way back following 1st elimination, otherwise a forfeit/decline is registered. Available on CHIP as of V4.0.5.6B
Advertising and Sponsorship (3:09)
Create more revenue from advertising. Rotate banners, scroll local messages. Table sponsoring is a popular approach where the tables can be named after sponsors, instead of using numbers.
Shared WEB Database (5:35)
Keep a Master-Copy of your database online, and retrieve for updates when/as needed. This ensures all records stay synchronized between PCs. Ensure all PCs are running version or higher.
Casting to HDTV (3:16)
Some pointers on displaying the bracket on an HD monitor for the audience, using casting and extended monitor.
Round-Robin format (20:40)
RESULTS FROM A ROUND-ROBIN CANNOT BE SUBMITTED TO FARGO. For Single or team play. Using the built-in handicap tables, or the new fully automated 10 & 17 points 8-ball scoring-systems.
Accepting Late Entries (1:19)
How to deal with late entries.
Twosome Assignment (Used in Scotch-Double, Jack & Jill, etc) (2:25)
A popular and entertaining standalone event.
Bracket Assignment (4:25)
Learn the various methods at your disposition to assign the players to the bracket.
Quick-Start (5:19)
A quick overview of the basic process of creating and managing your 1st tournament.
The Break and Run Contest (3:43)
What is the Break and Run contest, and how Ingenpool can assist.
Point Compiler (2:09)
The compiler is a very powerful tool, allowing you to quickly rank players, based on various period, and point allocation.
NAPA® Handicap System (2:53)
An overview of the NAPA® handicap system. The latest addition in Ingenpool's handicap arsenal.
Adjusting the Payouts (5:28)
A quick demonstration on how to adjust the computed prize payouts, and how to enter payouts manually.
The Mixed K-O Format (2:11)
Speed up a tournament while ensuring a minimum of 2 matches per player.
The Modified (EURO) format (2:41)
A quick look at the Modified format, and the option to shuffle the returning positions.
Submit your TOURNAMENT results to FargoRate (04:51)
Easily submit your tournament results to FargoRate. See also our video "Fargo Fair-Match" for info on this new built-in handicap.
Self Managed Elo-Rating (05:37)
Player's ratings are auto-updated following every match completion. Points are lost or earned based on actual vs expected performances, and the ratings are mainly in the 100 to 800 range, similar to FargoRate.
Open Play Session (03:09)
RESULTS FROM AN OPEN SESSION CANNOT BE SUBMITTED TO FARGO. The new ""Open"" format allows you to manage & record a sequence of matches occurring during a short-term session.
Notes & Comments (01:53)
Flag a player, or a specific match, for monitoring or taking an action. Get reminded prior to dispatching.
Text Messaging (02:46)
Easily reach your players directly from the main bracket's. A very professional approach to efficient dispatching. See also "Auto-Texting" (Add-on) video.
CHIP Format (07:08)
Attract new customers with the very entertaining, fast-pace, and challenging CHIP format. Fully automated and easy to manage.
Attendance Manager (01:07)
The attendance manager helps you control attendance and arrivals.
Recording Results and Scores (3:26)
An explanation of the match results recording window, and how to record match results when a head-start (spot) is granted by handicap.
The Dispatch Window (2:10)
The dispatch window is a great managing tool when casting the tournament to an HDTV.
Fargorate FairMatch Handicap UPDATED (04:10)
How to run an handicap event using the Fargorate FairMatch handicap. The Fairmatch process is updated in version 4060 to be fully automated and more intuitive.
Auto-Texting (Add-on)(2:59)
Add-on feature to existing membership. Auto-text the players when they are dropped on a table. Cost of Auto-texting (.01 each) is passed on to the member. Contact support@budtour.com for more info.
Tourney Fee Structure (02:24)
Explaining the various tournament fee options at your disposition. Which one goes towards the payouts. And the new +/- individual adjustments feature.
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