Addicts of this fascinating game are always on the lookout for a friendly competition and meeting other fans. IngenPool is designed to assist in making such sought-after events occur more often, hopefully turning out tons of exciting competition at your local halls.
There's a lot at stake during an event, don't depend on an internet connection, get the best of both world; A powerful, feature-packed, and secure standalone App, with all the benefit of full WEB-connectivity for publishing full graphical brackets with results, text-messaging players and more.
IngenPool is designed for the real world, where late registrations, last minute changes, results and schedule modifications, are all part of the excitement and easily managed.
The best way to experiment with all the features is to download and install the software, and use the built-in tourney simulator along with the 5 free unrestricted Tournament credits. Our Tutorials and FAQ sections are also a great source of information. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Our extensive short-video collection will get you up and running in no time!
Using the latest tutorial technology, you will quickly gain the knowledge to easily produce & manage professional-caliber events. You will discover the many billiard-dedicated built-in features, and maximize your time & efficiency by focusing on key aspects with practical examples. It certainly beats spending hours reading rather monotonous help-topics!
Bracket Formats
IngenPool handles all popular bracket formats

The traditional "Single" & "Double", the "Mixed K-O" which turns a double into a single at a user-selected stage, the "Round-Robin" great for weekly-play @ 1 round per week, and the "Modified" (EURO) where a user-selected number of players from the loser-side returns to the winner-side. Recently added are the increasingly popular and entertaining "CHIP" format, and the versatile "OPEN" format to keep track of various match results within a specified time period or session. Check-out our tutorial video section for more detail on these 2 new formats. All formats are fully automated, and supported by numerous hard-copy reports, which greatly simplifies any tourney preparation & management. A Buy-back option is also available on the Double, Miked-KO and Modified.
Tourney Set-up
Intuitive 10 steps, 1 screen Set-Up

Set-up a tournament in 10 simple steps, and from 1 single screen. Answer all questions, then hit the lock in section 10 and IngenPool will advise if any information is missing. Any existing tournament can be used as a template for recurring events. Your default pay-out % distribution is loaded, and you can fine-tune per tournament. Watch the prizes for each final positions increase as the tourney roster grows.
Robust Player Database
Build a comprehensive repository of players and teams.

Once a player/team is recorded, registering them for a tournament is only 1 right-click away. The database can hold an unlimited amount of detailed records, and features built-in text-messaging capability.
Load the bracket, select a few tables, date & time, handicap & races, and watch IngenPool schedule all matches.

This live computation is based on the event schedule (which can spread up to 7 days), how many tables are open, the races and handicap in play, and the estimated time per single game. Different schedule-handling options are available to adapt to most situation. The "Live" schedule is continuously re-computed on the fly as the tournament progresses. In "Freeze" mode, the schedule is initially computed and remains unchanged, which is the default for most tournament software, but as we all know things never go exactly as planned. The best IngenPool setting is "Live on tour day / Otherwise freeze", allowing for dynamic scheduling without pulling in players from one day to another.
Attendance Check-In Log
Keep a tab on who's in, who's late.

This log is available for all events. Useful to check-in players on large events. When checked-in, an orange check-mark shows up on the player's card and in key locations. You may check-in a player from anywhere you see the attendance check-mark. Access the database from the log to generate quick "Expediting" text-messages.
Player's Picture/Avatar or Country Flags on the bracket
Bring your tourney presentation to a whole new level!

Inserting the player's picture or avatar in your database reflects professionalism, and allows everyone, both players and spectators, to positively identify all participants during every stage of the event. There's no better way for players to show their colors. This feature is often a source of entertainment on it's own and gets the players and spectators cheering in a whole new way! For International tournament events, Ingenpool can be set to display the player's country flag in lieu of the pictures. The pictures are shown on the bracket at the current player positions, on the dispatch window, printed on the scorecards, and on the WEB when the tourney is published.
Text Messaging (Canada and USA only)
Send dispatch-text to missing players. You will quickly get addicted to the convenience and efficiency.

Easily reach your players directly from the main bracket's right-click management menu. Different pre-formatted texts are available, including Table # with opponent's name and skill, so in most case there's no need to type anything! A very professional approach to efficient dispatching, and the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing that your players, wherever they are (most likely at the bar), are only a click away.
Great for single event, or weekly-play @ 1 round per week. For individual or team. Supports all built-in handicap tables + the new and fully automated 10/17 Points scoring system.

Ingenpool offers an entirely new way of managing Round-Robin competitions. Intuitive, exciting, accurate, with live statistics scrolling on-screen and posted on the WEB. Full flexibility to easily adapt to last minutes Roster changes and substitution. Either you manage on 1 table or 64, in-house or on the road, up to 64 entries single or teams, Ingenpool's got your back every step of the way. Run quality & exciting events, most sought after by players. Watch our Video "Round-Robin Format" for a quick tour.
Player's History
Efficient access to previous player's results & statistics.

The Player-History provides a compilation of all matches previously played, including opponent name, skills, final scores, points accumulated, money won, final position, time of play, table #, etc. The History is available from the Calcutta & database window, and is extremely useful to evaluate skill level change, and during auctions. As with the "Point compiler", the compilation is performed on user-selected tournament-directory content. It is up to the tournament manager to properly categorize all completed tournaments (season, year, division, etc).
Web Publishing
Give your customers an online-access to all your tournament events, either completed, ongoing or upcoming. They will love it!

Publish your tournaments online, with bracket and full details, including players' pictures & match results. Use IngenPool's code-generated script to embed your tournament's listing & bracket on your own website, or direct your customers to www.budtour.com/letsroll. You can set Ingenpool to automatically refresh the WEB content every time a change in the bracket is recorded. The new brackets are now viewable on smart-phone, and more WEB features are in development.
Managing a Tourney
Manage your Tournament events efficiently and with style!

Everything you need to manage a tourney is one right-click away. You will make mistakes, declaring the wrong winner, send players to the wrong table, enter the wrong scores. IngenPool is designed so anything can be easily undone or corrected. You can even undo a Tourney all the way back to the start! Right-click any position on the bracket (or table) to open the dynamic context-menu.
The Tables
64 "Smart-scrolling" Tables with Timers, and Sponsorship capability.

64 tables are at your disposition, all equipped with timer. The timer buzz and turns yellow when the estimated time is exceeded, and auto-resets when the match is completed. A smart on-screen table-scrolling is triggered after 10 seconds of inactivity, but only as required based on table occupancy. To start a match, just drag and drop the player's ball-tray on the table. IngenPool can also keep an eye on table usage, and will advise if someone is assigned back-to-back, or too often, to the same table, and will suggest alternatives.
Races and Handicaps
Easily set the races & Handicaps for every elimination & skill level.

You may set race defaults for every format and bracket size, and fine-tune per tournament. An handicap will override the races based on player's skill. Ingenpool offers 16 selections; 4 pre-sets, 9 customizable, NAPA, ELO Equal-Match, and Fargorate Fairmatch. Tourney defaults can also be set for every formats. IngenPool will refer to these settings to prepare scorecards, compute table time-allowed, populate the Dispatch Window, etc.
Hard Copy Reports
A comprehensive collection of reports at your disposition

IngenPool offers a wide range of HTML export & hard-copy reports to support your events. Flyer, bracket, ranking, roster listing, etc. All printable on regular 8.5 x 11, with the exception of the 128 bracket requiring minimum 8.5 x 14.
Calcutta Manager
Full support for the popular, pre-tournament “Player Auction”

The built-in Calcutta manager provides everything you need to efficiently run an auction. All players are automatically loaded on the Calcutta listing, and the payouts are computed live as the auction progresses. You can specify a percentage going to a beneficiary of your choice, register all bids and bidder info, and print detailed reports of all biddings & winnings.
Door-Prize Wheel
Boost registrations with enticing door-prizes

A door-prize spinning wheel is automatically loaded with all registered players, and remains accessible throughout the tourney lifetime. All winners are recorded within the tournament file. When a winner is declared, his name is taken out of the wheel for subsequent spin. You may opt to re-introduce the player.
Rotating banners, scrolling messages, table sponsors.
IngenPool offers many ways to generate additional revenue from advertisement.

Banner-rotation, scrolling messages, and the latest in our standard feature line-up; table sponsorship. This feature allows you to identify your tables by name & sponsor colour, instead of numbers. When a sponsorship name is in use, the dispatch window, text-messaging, scorecards, and any other live messages in use during tournament will refer to the table by its sponsor name. A selection of font & colour is available to match the sponsor colours and logo as closely as possible.
Stay in control with a stress-free dispatch system

An unlimited amount of mini-dispatch-window may be set to open as soon as a ball-tray is dropped on a table, or you can operate the dispatch manually when needed (as per your default settings). When a dispatch window is open on screen, a bleep can be heard to attract attention. Each window shows clearly both players name, alias & skill, and their assigned table. The players photo are shown on the dispatch window, and you can send a dispatch text-message to their mobile straight from the bracket.
Compile Points and Participation
Follow-up on performance and attendance

Compile points accumulated during a season. The points value earned for each final positions can be edited and compiled on the fly for export to html. This feature is useful to qualify players for an end-of-season main event based on performance during the regular season. A simple participation tally can also be generated.
Local Settings and Defaults
Fine-tune Ingenpool to your standards.

A multitude of options can be turned ON/OFF to fit your management style. This is also where your default payout-table is adjusted for each format. A selection of bracket graphics & backgrounds can be selected, and you may even select your own background image.
Alternate Graphics
Use IngenPool for more than Pool & Billiard

Due to its ease of use and versatility, IngenPool, although specialized for Pool & Billiard events, is often used to manage other types of tournaments. A variety of alternate graphic packages are at your disposition to better represent alternative events, a must when the brackets are on HDTV.