To comply with the new TLS1.3 security protocols taking effect in Spring 2024, IngenPool-Pro requires at the minimum Windows 10 with all updates current.
(The .NET Framework 4.8 or later, included in Windows 10 & 11, is required for all online functions, including uploads, SMS and Fargo submission.)
There are no MAC version of IngenPool available at this time, but there's a way around; A Window emulator like VMFUSION can successfully run Windows desktop software on MAC. Windows think it’s running on a real computer, but it’s actually running inside a piece of software on your Mac. Many of our users are running IngenPool-Pro under Window emulation without a hitch. Please use the 5 demo-credits to experiment before subscribing to IngenPool Pro to be run on MAC.
Click on the link below to download the most recent and secure install-package of IngenPool-Pro for PC. You will get 5 Demo-Credits with the initial installation. Important: INGENLAB SOFTWARE is a "Verified Publisher", this statement during installation is your guarantee that the package has not been tampered with, and is free of virus, spyware and malware. (NEW in Windows 10; select "More Info" to confirm the publisher and proceed to install.) If you download the package from an alternate source and the publisher is "Unknown", stop the installation immediately.
The IngenPool-Pro software is distributed via electronic download only. No tangible media or documentation is shipped. Access to the product is in no way dependent upon any tangible media that may have been previously received. Ingenpool does NOT require an Internet connection to operate.
Should you have any difficulties with IngenPool's installation or subscription, do not hesitate to contact us.
What to expect from this demo/trial version: All basics features, valid for 5 tournaments. The database has no limitation under the demo, so don't hesitate to start building your player's repository. Your active subscription will remove the 5 tournaments limit, and your existing copy will pick-up all existing data. Be sure to visit our Tutorial and FAQ section if you have any questions, our growing video collection will help you discover the many billiard-dedicated built-in functions.
Ingenpool is self-aware against piracy. It randomly validates its ID# when a connection exist. After X confirmed rejections, a random lock-up date is set. The low subscription fee should be incentive enough to avoid the risk of a lock-out at a crucial moment. Please help deter software piracy and promote continuous development of IngenPool Pro. Thank you for your support.